ABBYY FineReader PDF Reviews & Ratings | | Software Advice
FineReader PDF empowers professionals to maximize efficiency in the digital workplace. Now, information workers can focus even more on their expertise and less on administrative tasks. The software is fantastic. It’s very fast. It’s very accurate, and we absolutely love it. Empower employees to optimize PDF processes across the organization, with flexible and straightforward licensing options starting at five licenses.
FineReader PDF integrates scanned documents into digital workflows and makes it easier to digitize, convert, retrieve, edit, protect, share, and collaborate on all kinds of documents in the digital workplace. Excellent price point, simplicity of use. Extracted text accuracy e.
PDF to Word is excellent – staggering sometimes when you see the input quality. Jeremy B Director, Small business. It has an uncanny ability to accurately deconstruct a document and capture the text, non-text elements and the layout. And it does this in multiple languages with equal accuracy. I think the product is unsurpassed. Eli W President, Small business. ABBYY digitalizes documents and images and allows me to save them in different formats, preserving the structure of said documents and images.
It’s simply amazing. Liliana A Programador, Government Administration. It looks really cool! Carol G Medical Records Administrator. FineReader is helping me out with text recognition. I do not know what to do without it. It saves a lot of time, while the finished text almost does not have to edit. Natalia C Human Resources Consultant.
I have been using Abbby FineReader for few years and it is awsome how much it simplifies my office life. I recognize printscreens, sacnned pdfs and it really can speed my work a lot. Tomasz W. Client Service Director Research. The programs functions are easier to find than adobe, and this is a solid pdf application.
The pricing model is good, not requiring a subscription. Features are good. Theodore A. Attorney At Law. This software came bundled with my Fujitsu ScanSnap and I’ve been using it for over 12 years.
Jesus P. Seemingly smooth integration with my Xerox Scanner. Obvious button labeling and layout that makes finding actions intuitive. Low overall Memory footprint while using, which has been great when running multiple programs simultaneously. The conversion to various Office documents was also a very nice touch that I did not expect to have. Justin R Senior Project Engineer. I love the ability to use this software on my laptop or desktop with the same level of performance.
Capturing data for PDF resiliency is great. Administrator in Financial Services. Ability to determine and change the fields in the layout of a scanned page. Marking the pics and text independently.
Editing without spoiling the layout. Oytun s Operations. I use ABBYY FineReader very often for making useable and readable documents from techmanuals you need an electron microscope to read, as well as way to store and search them.
This is the product for which I have been searching. It is powerful yet easy to use; accurate and fast. Try for free Buy now Contact sales. Read the Blog. Join deal of the year! Subscribe now. Key facts FineReader in numbers. System Administrator Read full review on GetApp. Choose your preference: Business or Individual? For business Empower employees to optimize PDF processes across the organization, with flexible and straightforward licensing options starting at five licenses.
Learn more Contact us. For individuals FineReader PDF integrates scanned documents into digital workflows and makes it easier to digitize, convert, retrieve, edit, protect, share, and collaborate on all kinds of documents in the digital workplace. Nice features.
Relatively inexpensive relative to competing products. Powerful yet easy to use This is the product for which I have been searching. Ready to boost your document workflow? Try for free. Buy now. Contact sales.
I was so pleased to sbbyy that the functionality corprate much better, even at a lower price. Thank you for sharing your feedback and for the great review. Rinereader are rree to hear about your positive experience. This program is a real combine of possibilities, it has helped me many times in difficult situations when it was necessary to change the contract sent in pdf and in the form of scans, so it is worth having such a program.
This program allows you to abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free with pdf files completely, you abnyy edit files created from screenshots and scans, it has many abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free functions than the free version of adobe reader. Time used: Less than 12 months. ABBYY was the closest vs others application to aligned them in a proper way and less editing. Saving us time and process. I tried about 10 different Free Trials and tested them on the PDF that I knew it had errors and abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free to see which one will do the best job to converted.
So the winner was Abby vs the others. Extremely Happy with end results and is a big Help using it. Just to convert a file from PDF to Excel it will put you in a waiting time and it was just time consuming and time is what we do not have. My overall experience with this software is rree good I solve a lot of works on different purposes.
This software is very accurate and effective to read make pdfs save important files also to collaborate and merge some. Sometimes some. Industry: Flnereader Technology and Services. But I have to admit that there are more and more free solutions out there which offer similar functionalities.
Dear Kristina, Thank you for sharing your positive experience of working with our product. While it is true that there is an increasing number of free solutions entering the market, the exceptional quality of OCR conversion achieved using FineReader cannot be matched with finreeader free solution.
Most if not all free solutions abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free very poor OCR quality, with limited functionality lacking support of all types of PDFs for example and limited size of finereaddr for processing. Reviiew solutions also often require additional plugins and tend to be quite unreliable no warranty, ginereader professional support available. While a free version might be O. K for a quick, one time conversion, for effective and long-term abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free with documents, a full professional version is needed.
Industry: Financial Services. I abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free the ability to add rebiew delete pages to any PDF. Industry: Education Management. Very easy to navigate, scan and ocr the files, especially pictures. This soft has very accurate OCR performance. I corpirate abbyFine Reader to convert pdf, fibereader documents, and photographic documents with text into the text of other formats or ebook formats of my choice. AbbyFine Reader 15 is the only software to convert ebooks by recognizing pictures or tables and recognizing the layout in the source document as much as possible.
I use AbbyFineReader and the version before to clean out unwanted text from a document. I mean, cut out unnecessary information I do not want to appear in my documents, or ebook or text conversion, or when I produce abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free from fineeeader outputs 3.
FineReader 15, as I have tested side by side with other pdf editors, can compare two documents of different formats of up to 5, — 10, pages or even more without asking you to reduce them into smaller chunks. I have found AbbyFineReaderPDF and the versions before the current version very useful for repairing photocopied items, cropping documents, and repairing mixed photographic and text pdf files with unassailable OCR capabilities. I can search, insert, and delete blocks of text from pdf files.
Price-wise, this software is an investment, a must-have for organizations and individuals who handle documents of different formats, for people in academics, and people who move content from PDF to other multimedia formats.
So far so good, BUT add new functionalities, like 1 audio capabilities, 2 converting pdf to Publisher, 3 Improving ebook conversion. I routinely use FineReader to re-tool documents sent by clients and other attorneys into compact, clear. File sizes are typically one-tenth the size of the abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free file I received, and usually fere least one-third the file size.
FR can correct trapezoidal distortion and improve text qualities in other ways. The text editing tools work smartly and easily. FR also converts. I am very pleased with FR version 15, but it lacks the excellent bulk. I also liked version 12, but I was not pleased with the changes from install adobe acrobat xi standard without cd free download 12 to I found verion 14 unreasonably difficult to use.
I primarily use Adobe Acrobat for bulk OCR of scanned documents, its fiinereader redaction tool, and when Acrobat supports another plug-in tool that I want to use. I like many features in this pdf editor, maybe abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free most practical one is the after scan work like consolidating all the documents in one pdf file, rearrage them, flip if affinity designer beginner free, change orientation, then just save the fantastinc result.
A wonderful work on pdf like: — Corlorate scanned documents — OCR and converting scanned documents to word or Excell — Consolidating files. Company size: 1, employees. I can simply scanned microsoft office professional plus download physical document and change the form to digital and running the OCR tools to make the text on the document editable.
The OCR tools is the abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free i have tried and it can read the text perfectly even when the text is disoriented. Other think that i hope they can improve is the licensing. Powerfull tool for document archiving, document conversion, OCR and digitalization. Most versatile OCR software I use Abby for a number of purposes, however where it is most useful to me is to convert financial data for analysis in Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
Seemingly smooth integration with my Xerox Scanner. Obvious button labeling and layout that makes finding actions intuitive.
Low overall Memory footprint while using, which has been great when running multiple programs simultaneously. The conversion to various Office documents was also a very nice touch that I did not expect to have.
Justin R Senior Project Engineer. I love the ability to use this software on my laptop or desktop with the same level of performance. Capturing data for PDF resiliency is great. Administrator in Financial Services. Ability to determine and change the fields in the layout of a scanned page. Marking the pics and text independently.
Editing without spoiling the layout. Oytun s Operations. I use ABBYY FineReader very often for making useable and readable documents from techmanuals you need an electron microscope to read, as well as way to store and search them. This is the product for which I have been searching. It is powerful yet easy to use; accurate and fast. Try for free Buy now Contact sales.
Compare Documents — Quickly identify text changes and export differences as comments in a PDF or change log. Convert PDFs and Scans Find relevant information locked in paper and image-based documents faster and easier, prepare documents for archiving.
Review controls Readers comments Print this review link to this review. Buy Now See also: Graphic software. Search Gadget Speak reviews :. Reviews by related category Graphic software. What our readers said! TrackBack URI. If you like this article then why not link to it from your site! Use a text link, or download an image. Free Prizedraw Why join? Top reads Invite a friend! Our current Free Prizedraw!! Why join GadgetSpeak?
Well – there are lots of reasons to join, depending on you and your interests : Member prize-draws Real reviews – by real people Membership is free Email summary of the weeks reviews Share your product feedback with others Keep in touch with all that’s new in gadgets Full of great ideas as the Christmas deadline looms! Come along and join in the fun! Today’s hot reads last updated Dec 9, Canon Pixma G Leatherman Free T4 M Bose Companion 2 Ser Nescaf Dolce Gusto The text editing tools work smartly and easily.
I can also easily create. FR also converts. I am very pleased with FR version 15, but it lacks the excellent bulk. I also liked version 12, but I was not pleased with the changes from version 12 to I found verion 14 unreasonably difficult to use. I choose FR when I need certain types of image processing, but especially for the smaller file sizes. I primarily use Adobe Acrobat for bulk OCR of scanned documents, its text redaction tool, and when Acrobat supports another plug-in tool that I want to use.
I like many features in this pdf editor, maybe the most practical one is the after scan work like consolidating all the documents in one pdf file, rearrage them, flip if needed, change orientation, then just save the fantastinc result.
A wonderful work on pdf like: – Editing scanned documents – OCR and converting scanned documents to word or Excell – Consolidating files. I would like the OCR to work better on Arabic language like it’s working perfectly on English and French, one other thing is Excell may also need some improvements, maybe it’s already done on the latest version. Company size: 1,, employees. I can simply scanned the physical document and change the form to digital and running the OCR tools to make the text on the document editable.
The OCR tools is the best i have tried and it can read the text perfectly even when the text is disoriented. Some of the font can’t be read by the software, especially for an Arabic font. It is also happen with a custom font and the software won’t work well with this type of text. Other think that i hope they can improve is the licensing. The license is install on the computer, and it is not easy to transfer the license to other computer.
Powerfull tool for document archiving, document conversion, OCR and digitalization. If you need to work with documents, this is a great tool for recognition, digitalization and conversion. Price is high and it uses high resources on a computer. If you have a high volume of documents to work with, this is a great tool. Abbyy FineReader support for almost all languages is impressive.
We use many different languages, so it is very important for us to have a tool that can recognize well. It is easy to use, with the simplified interface, one can work fast, through materials. FineReader can export to different types which is also a great function. Convert document formats and make them searchable, from scanned documents, screenshots or images to pdfs and html.
It is very good for creating new documents from multiple files, which can be imported in one project then exported to a new file. The price is fairly high for those who don’t have many documents.
It crashes sometimes while scanning documents with older scanners or when given more demanding tasks, like automatic scan of multiple pages. If the scan is lower quality, or font is small, there are some mistakes that need to be fixed manualy, which can be time consuming. It can perform character recognition in any language. I am amazed by all the functions that this piece of software has but one thing is so cool and I use it almost every day to help me organize papers in my office. That is “Hot Folder” – every time you add some document into the desired folder it automatically converts it for you into any type of document you want.
It can be editable PDF, Word or any other combination you would ever want. It can do it! Text is recognized very well and without any errors almost every time. Also, it tends to keep layout and formatting as the original document but sometimes it doesn’t work well.
Also, when you are trying to manually select area for the recognition it can be very hard and tiring to do all that manually because the software didn’t recognize page properly. Most of the times that is not needed but when you are shooting or scanning in lower resolutions be prepared for that.
I have two programs that index my entire hard disk, so it is key to have recognized text in all my saved files. I’ve tried all the other OCR-capable programs, and this is the best. It does a great deal, and has super OCR. And the printer function allows you to add printed output to another pdf file, either at the beginning or end of the recipient file. I have to reinstall it many times per week, often after the computer is put to sleep.
Also, the print to pdf accessory seems usually — but not always — to print without keeping the text layer, so it has to be recognized again. I use Abby for a number of purposes, however where it is most useful to me is to convert financial data for analysis in Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
One of the most useful aspects of Abbyy Finereader, especially when compared to other OCR software is the level of control offered to the user. This enables poor quality scans as an example to be cleaned up and optimized for recognition. It is easy to edit pages collectively or individually to compensate for distortions and even deal with water marks and poor quality images. The accuracy is phenomenal and ability to use dictionaries or customize your own increases recognition capacity.
Abbyy Fine Reader has greatly improved over the years and i expect great things from them in the future as technology evolves. I do have a wish list: A setting to have ability to ignore pages during recognition.
The ability to ignore a column within a table. A way to verify text in a chosen sequence such as down then up and or select areas to ignore. Works offline, and can do the job in batches hassle-free.
I’ve been using Abbyy Finereader for about a decade now since I stumbled upon it with a friend who digitized a lot of his readings. Abbyy is a powerful OCR software! It allows to import directly to Microsoft word for text editing. It even mimics the original scanned document in terms of the page layout and text sizes.
Very useful for digitizing your existing documents which you do not have a digital copy of. Heck, you can even scan and OCR an entire book! Another good thing for me I can use if offline! Modern OCR apps require you to go online which I cannot always be given the nature of my work and travels.
It is even made easier now due to the proliferation of mobile phones. Scan a document via mobile phone, then use the online services for OCR, all for free now. Earlier I had to work a lot with the documents of our company and client contracts.
For example, the customer brought a paper version of the contract, I scanned it, recognized it, rules of error, etc. And all this happened with the help of Fine Reader professional versions. I also like that you can translate and save in various formats. For example, text in the format djwu or pdf, and even not copied, after carrying out the text through this program you can save the text in Word and use it anywhere and anyhow.
In general, this is a simple and convenient program, albeit not cheap. I happened that some versions of ABBYY Fine Reader did not recognize the printer and I had to reinstall the program or run to a colleague and ask him to print the necessary document processed in the application.
In doing so, I had a standard Canon printer, so there should not be any problems. It is helped greatly with creating document Fields with radio buttons, electronically signing a document and scan an absolute tons of research material that would be in accessible any other way. It has been invaluable for research purposes though I would like to learn a faster way to import documents rather than doing a six step process by hand.
This may be scheduling a hot folder but I need to try that yet. I love the potential there because find reader is the only product I’ve heard about this possibility. Cheaper than true assistive technology for conversion purposes, even though fine reader is not entirelY accessible by voice, it is sometimes easier to see than some other assistive tech software.
Used by college campuses for textbooks so I know it can scan books I need. This needs the ability to choose from a wide range of voices. The reason is that I have to OCR in Finereader then open the doc in Acrobat to Read Aloud, and then I have no way to play the document on my cell phone as an audiobook or burn it to cd to take with me. I can submit a book request to Bookshare for their mp3 but that can take years if at all. I need to know conversion tips like the disabled services at college campuses know, such as how to remove different colored highlighter colors to make a clean paper even if the real one is marked up.
I need to learn more about storing multiple documents long term without my computer crashing. The mobile app became unusable as in a trial even though I have purchased it almost immediately.
I would like it up and running again. Excellent for translations and improved accuracy over the previous versions. This was a tremendous help in translating a document written in a German typeface from the s.
I trained the software to read this archaic font and then was able to copy and paste the text of the document into an on line translator to find what it said. I am a long time user of Fine Reader 8 and the recent updates of the program had not been any more accurate than version 8 until this one, Version I bought the newest version to obtain improved accuracy of character recognition and document formatting. Its accuracy; it is an improvement over the previous version. I owned version 8 and would periodically try newer versions as they were offered, but the accuracy wasn’t any better than that of version 8 despite what the advertising said.
Version 15 was noticeably more accurate for the types of documents I OCR. I like that you can buy it as an owned program and not as a subscription. I like having quick access to diacritical marks and symbols in this version. I had been a user of version 8 for many years. The layout of the program was different and I still sometimes struggle to find a function that I want to do.
I dislike having to double click on a page image on the left side to get it to display in the OCR windows. In version 8 I just had to click on the image once to change pages. I miss having the text name of functions written below icons. Verification should be just to the right of Recognize rather than on the far right. The flow is currently wrong: it should be recognize, verify, save. Abbyy has allowed us to turn what used to be a very manual task into a simple copy paste method, meaning we can do far more work every day then we were capable of before.
The program has an intuitive interface and is consistent and capable when it comes to PDF editing and excel table extractions.
OCR Software. User Review Highlights 4. The character recognition software was fabulous made almost no mistakes. This makes it quite easy although its not perfect. The cost savings I believe outweighs this problem.
The best scanning software makes it simple and easy to scan your paper files and convert them into a digital archive. Scanning technology abby become abbyy available and accessible, meaning that the paperless office now has a clear chance of becoming a reality.
Using document scanning apps opens in new tab abbyy turn files into electronic copies that can be stored locally or in the cloud is now a common practice of abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free businesses.
Rree, there are many different types of scanning software available, and different document types available. The best scanning abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free will be able to cater for a range of different needs and especially be able to store по этой ссылке in fineteader formats as required. Often this will be PDF files, as this is a universal file, but sometimes Word or other office file formats will be required, as well as different image formats.
Quality is also an essential consideration, as scanned documents need to remain accurate and readable, which means that scanning software that is unable to properly represent numbers and letters will necessarily be no 114. Luckily, these days most scanning solutions provide excellent quality documents, but if you’re not corprate about your own freee, you can always deliver your documents to a scanning company to do it for you.
From powerful, enterprise-focused Adobe platforms to pick-up services perfect for small businesses, check out the very best fref the document scanning and converting world below. We finereadrr into account available features, relative abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free, professional reviews and user experiences abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free making our recommendations for the best scanning software.
We’ve also highlighted the best document management software. Storing all these converted files is made easier too, thanks to integrations with Dropbox, OneDrive and Box. Read our full Adobe Acrobat DC review opens in new tab.
Abbyy is responsible abgyy a number of enterprise-oriented software tools and among them is its platform for document scanning, FineReader. This software lets you edit, review, protect, compare and convert PDFs and scans. Compare, meanwhile, helps you identify text changes between different versions of the same document, abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free time on proofreading and back-checking.
FineReader can recognize a whopping languages, so you should be covered no matter where your documents are coming from. After all, while most scanners ship with software, the manufacturers too often focus on building the hardware, relegating the software to more of an afterthought. PaperScan instead aims to provide additional useful features that will allow you to not simply приведу ссылку but also organize your documents after scanning.
A free version comes with post-processing tools such as abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free, border removal, hole punch removal, and color adjustments with filter options.
However, this version of the software is ad-supported. PaperScan’s Home edition offers the same but without ads, along with a few different file format options to save to, all for a one-time fee. It’s really the Abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free edition where PaperScan forporate comes into its own, offering a comprehensive range of features to add to your scanner to make organizing scanned files so much easier.
Features fre include support for PDF-OCR in over 60 languages, batch processing with automatic blank page removal, annotations, and additional color editing tools.
Overall, PaperScan offers a really useful set of tools at a very competitive price point by comparison to larger vendors. OmniPage’s OCR technology takes care of scanning all types of paper documents ffee a quick and efficient manner. The result is a digital library of PDF files that you can use the software to edit as required, as well as perform search functions on. The platform promises high quality conversions that maintain the features of the original document — columns, tables, bullets, graphics and all.
Conveniently, OmniPage can process via a whole range of devices that capture text as an image, so if your phone, tablet or camera is at hand, you can revidw, convert and manage your files on the move. Readiris is a scanning tool that captures and converts your documents to editable files thanks to its OCR technology. Keeping pace with its higher-level competitors, Readiris also allows you to annotate files vinereader make comments, making the platform suitable for collaboration in the process of scanning and converting.
Its audio нажмите чтобы увидеть больше are pretty handy too, as abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free and books can be converted into MP3 and Wav files, finereade you to revie texts without even having to read them.
You can record abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free comments too, removing the reading and writing process of editing altogether if preferred. Readiris comes in three packages, free even the simplest version offering annotations and comments, even abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free audio, as well as merge and compression options to make document processing faster. It also supports up to больше на странице languages.
The Pro version can support revifw to languages, cprporate well as corporahe editing and conversion options, while the corporate version also adds protection, signing, batch processing, as well as management and archiving options. While we’ve finerreader some major software above, especially for companies with significant archives to digitize, there are other document scanning apps opens in new tab available that are also worth considering. This is especially the case with scanning apps for Android and iOS which now allow you to photograph documents, and моему google assistant download for windows 10 мой these turned into PDF files for your records:.
The scanner app is free to download and allows you to preview file dimensions, as well as rotate, crop, and edit the color as required. Genius Scan opens in new tab is another useful mobile app for phones that allows you to take photos of documents and save them as PDF files. As well as that, features include smart page detection, perspective correction and image enhancement. And with patch scanning, you can create digital copies of dozens of pages within seconds.
SwiftScan opens in new tab scan documents, receipts, sketches, whiteboards, business cards, labels, QR codes and barcodes in dpi. There are five color modes available, as перейти на источник as tools to crop and optimize scanned documents.
As with similar scanning apps, documents can be automatically saved a cloud service such as Google Drive or Dropbox. CamScanner opens in new tab doesn’t simply allow you to image documents and save them as PDFs to the cloud, it also allows for collaborative editing feature to dtv india free download annotations and watermarks to documents. Aimed principally at business users, you can save documents to the cloud and also password any files you scan and save.
We’ve also featured the best PDF compressors. Brian has over 30 years publishing experience as a writer and editor across a range of computing, technology, and marketing titles. He has been interviewed multiple times for the BBC and been a speaker at international conferences. His specialty on techradar is Software as a Service SaaS applications, covering everything from office suites to IT service tools.
He is also a science fiction and finereaddr author, published as Brian G Turner. Tech Radar. North America. Adobe Acrobat DC. Reasons to avoid – Higher price. Abbyy FineReader. Reasons to avoid – Not suitable for cloud abbyy finereader 14 corporate review free.
Kofax OmniPage. Reasons to avoid – No PDF compression with lowest tier. Brian Turner. More about computing.