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BUT MR. Parka- vUle. A RuaaeU, nf Le Roy. The wed- ding wtU take place quietly oo May 4 In Kingston. Open toe and heels. Make th« teat. Saee at Safeway. Mr and Mrv W 8tU4:key. Vleto- rla. Man ‘nie wed- ding wUi take place May 4 at St. J,»n Ol. Oofaage HwK. Ann n. Mrs Mrs. Hollywood Crescent. J Sparks. Mrs J. A Davies. Mrs D TUson. Mary Bums. Honoring Miss Emily Thompson. Painter, i Gwen Davies. Qtt entertained at a nUscellaneous Brundson. April bride- Mrs.
Mark ParfUl. Middleton and Mrs. H Day at I bouquet of pink camallom and Harold S. Cameron, Mrs. B Prendergast. Stmpson, Mrs. Mann, and Misses Margaret Cameron. Helen Parfltt, Jean Harwood. Florence Smith, Alma and Oulcle Malcolme. Jean Holland. Doreen Hardy. Hazel Dempsey. Mary Hamilton. Ruth Oustavson. ArdU Horton. Kay Dlram. Dorothy Craig, Elaine Prov- ince. Myrtle Broughton and Diana Hartshln.
U pictured with two of her paintings, which will oe Included In the art exhibit whicn opens at the Empress Hotel on April 2» to May 5. The Chinese An We»k. Woodward, wife of the Lleutenant- Oovernor.
The Uhlvemity Women s Chib has tasued Invitations to various organ- izations to participate with them in this work through sponsoring a day, or a part of a day. Is In charge of res- ervatloiu and Mrs.
C T Teakle will handle the tickets. Patroru of the affair are Mrs. John Hart. Nancy Hodges. Herbert Anscomb. Mrs H E. Mrs Norman Whittaker. O M Weir. Vic- tor Brodeur.
H R Bevan, Mrs. Mrs T Rickard. Mrs W. Hlehnl and Mrs. Cunis Sampson Mrs. Corsages were presented to the guest of honor and her mother. E Raper, Mrs. Waters, Mrs. Youmui, Mrs. Brown, and Misses Norma Wood. Kitty Camerem. Doreen Cieator. Joyce Goggin. Miss Noreen McFadden aa. Mrs, E W Mc- Padden.
James Street. Mrs H Wallmi. N Findley Mrs V. Hayton, Mrs. Orosvenor, Mrs. A Pimlaon. Mrs A. E Marks. Mm E Coombe. D Coombes and Misses J. Jean Grey. Sylvia Day, Norma Alnsley.
Ellen Hill. Pat Weills. Edith Kilrtngion. Settle La- Roche, Ethel Simmons. Jackie Orowhll and Pat Dtndsoii. Fascinating beyond words — in- describably lovely — indeed no terms could be too extravagant to apply to those new ensembles now being displayed in Wilson’s Women’s Wear Department.
Delicately tantalizmqly lovely in the last degree’ The Suit Jackets have smartly full ileeves, with rows of wool Hitching across the front, belt- ed at waist. Very smart straight Skirts The Coats are full back with slashed pockets and collars of selected Lynx And we men- tion these ensembles just as an example of many other things ready now for Easter selection.
TnizteeR from the 18 exlzilng districts In the arei affected will attend. Ka«p No. Weatem region, will al»o attend the conference and will be the guest of honor at a luncheon on Saturday and at tea on Sunday Regional delegates will be in attendance from Winnipeg. Calgary and Britleh Columbia polnu. It providts tmmeduts protsetMM for your family, wlult sccumuljtiof s rshrtment fund for you.
VKtona, I C. A ptill of ronnt il members ahiiwrd uplniun abooi equally divided for and afaiOAl. Present indemnity U tdoo a year. They Included P5ve rooms. Culduthell Road. Ueallirr horecasis We»t Cua. North Coast of Vancouver Island – Cloudy with rain showers, strong southwesterly wimb. Vancouver and VicUUty — Clear m moniing with Increasing cloudi- ness in afternoon, becoming cloudy at night.
It was pointed out that closure of placea of biuliiess in British Co- lumbia Is govcnied entirely by prov- Inrlal law. April 13 Sidney Ru. Your inspection invited. Closed Sundays. Chemistry 1. Eiigtlah 1. English 3 French 1. Be- glunenv’ German. History 1. April 18 at 8 pm ‘Please note one day in advance because of Easter Holiday A full attendance of members Is requested.
Daylight having — J. DennU Huger. George that he and his staff are In favor of day- light saving Ume here. Is exces- sive drinking making your life miserable -causing Inu of income, poiition and the respect of your family and frienils? If you are honest with yourself, and sincerely desire release from this handicap, tlveii there Is a solution to your problem.
Free and confidential In- formation. Apply PO. Box No. Preaema Brief — Mrs. Dorothy Spur has forwarded to Mayor Percy E. George a brief out lining plans for care of the aged and infirm and suggesiing that a province- wide campaign fur funds be started. Afternoon teas and readings from LTD L’.
Haar Stanley Knowlm. Blaiuhard Street. Fri- day. April 33, pm.. Prince Robert House Bring your mothers, wives and sweethearts lo see technicolor travel- ogue through prewar Holland and Belgium.
Three door prizes. Tick- ets. Slranf anS Sarabla. Bee our complete line of wedding veils, distinctive coruneta and brides- maid ac’ceasortes.
La Mode Mil- linery. Hoh Week artflrev. Mon- day. Wednesday, Thurs- day. Purses Molen — Three joung women reported iq city police yes- terday that their punves had been aUilen from the powder roorfi of the CryriaJ Garden on Friday night. The pur. Prlmerb Found— A tin of primers for shotgun shells was brought into the city police station early yester- day ifteniiKiU by Conatable r D avldMin.
He reported finding the [explosive ra »s in the puaaesslon of some children plaring behind Chi- ‘ton House, Broad Sireei Building Permlls— The « iy build- ing deparlment yeslerdaj Ivaueil permiu lo H J. Wiliums for a store and apartment building at Fort Streei lo cost Ward for a five-room house at Davie Street. Howard Knott for a sla-room house at Rivkland Avenue. Ail about Vancouver Island by Edith M. At book and department storM. Registered Chirop- odist. Cadei Corps. We need uniforms The store will be Closed on Good Fridsy.
That day’s quote of esndy and chocolates will he put with Thursday’s and Sat urday’s. A little extra for a happier Easter. S’ Andrew? Preabyterian Church by the choir, augmented. G kggx for wiiergiaM. Keating 35Q before Ham and after 7 pm. Step Ml today. Pnrrd at Rf» 2 4. April 15 Dr O Shrum. Mill Bay. Sunday from 8 to 7 pjn. Hrarr, D. Palmer chiro- practor. Tueadav April 16 9 till 12 50c. Bunk MrRwen’s orrheetra. BB in S. Bhawnlgan Ufca. Open April 15 Gloves, Scarfs.
Truth Centre. This compeiuiun ta being spon- sored by tite Victoria Parka Board the love at a lovt story Utals ail in fun —and fun for all.
Alex- ander Hall directed. Entry forms wdll be available at all leading photo supply stores. Cannon, tied for first place In the monthly print compellUon. In the quu rompetiikm the team. Co me- dia ru Andy Drvtne and Buster Keaton have outstanding roles. Heaven, way up yonder. Is the picture’s chief locale. It Is here that the spirit of s deceased vaudeville magician decides to return to earth ‘ In order to readjust the lives and affairs of some former relatives, namely, a wife and an ambitious , daughter.
He calls It “Car- nival. Dana Andrew. Both times she wa. A dealt a queen and three fnes and a five was turned up. One point crib hand la a prised ambition nf all crib player , but two la rntuldcred beyond all ex- pectations.
Ldr T. B Jones will! I Jonea has been associated with the station for two years, formerly as senior admliiiMraiive officer when the station was active In kraintng.
For example. Sou’h should have realised that,. He Kill follow an overland route. His first slop Last night was at Bidney. A veteran of live Canadian Scot- tish Regmient, Burtt will carry pounds of food, a 44 – 40 rifle, a bo« and arrow, and about flOO In addi- tion to personal effects.
Burtt liopes to complete hla voyage wUliln five or six montlis. Although he has no definite plans , for when he reaches New York, the adventurous traveler plans to re- turn to Victoria on board a steam- ship by way of the Panama Canal.
Militarv Activities rd iRes. Dulles for werk ending April R Rich- : ard. A 1 I3lh iR. A B Nosh, of- ficer commanding. A -Sgt. Smith; nexti lor dull, L-Cpl. Parude: -Fnds. Lt -Col. Edward’ Harrv Temmr. Mrn at CANrwkLi. FI, FO. The marksmen will ar- rive here on the mominr ‘-f May Up-lalond “Quaen ‘ wlU be kWo at- lendanu. Old Sailing Ves. Once the proudcat and faateat full-rigged ahip on the Pacific Ocean, ahe haa been aaalgned alnce early to the century to the Job of coal lender to Canadian Pacific vea- aela in Vancouver harbor and la fi- nally ending a long life in deep-aea wateri.
Mlafor- tune haunted her. There waa mu- tiny-. Now ahe haa been sold by the C. She will serve as a breakwater for log- ging operations. Gallant to the end. To Di. Ltd , products last year totaled 1 After deduct- ing costs of tl OperstJng inrome wss Otvldends from Canadian subsidiaries added 2. Total net Income was tl0.
Nl5 or 81 02 cents per share, compared with 0OAO rents in Apru II -Btoclu. Air transport issues dipped as much as three points, but recovered moat of the losses, with s few achlevlng small gslm Steels and merchandising shares were on the offside.
Transfers of ITie week’s volume declined to 7. The Associated Press stock compobiie, which on Tuesday climbed to within 1 of a point of the bull market pebruary high, dropped 4 today to 79 4. Sunday in General— Much aatls- facUon comes from a display of hospitality and co-operaUon. Get together with people whose com- pany you enjoy.
Accent spiritual and social Interests. Avoid any- thing dubious, any complicated propnelllons. If April 14 Is Your Birthdate. Morgan, banker. Your Year Ahead— Externalise your Interesu as much as possible this year. Other people, especially a nuile or partner, may play an Im- portant role In your affairs. Pick atul choose associaUs with care, but go all out for team work where Justi- fied. It Is one of the 18 original calen- dar paintuigs by J D.
The paintings are being exhibited across Canada as ilie com- pany celebrates Its 75th Anniversary. Confederation Life Association was founded on April At the er.
Headachy, hatlesa. All of thete tymptoma and many more can be the result of constipation. Can mean that certain toxic poisona art being absorbed into the blood stream. Don’t take chances with constipation. Makes you feel better all day. Be sure you get real Andrewa Liver Salt. Get it today f BATH. England — Aid. BturK9 Cotterrll, U extended beyond July 1.
When word of the Senate Agricul- ture Conunlttre I. Stevens, chairman of special names. O Mcparlaiw, J. A BulllTan, H J. Pendray and R. Ranis, mem- bers. Alan H Williamson. Is chairman of the provincial cam- paten committee, and three well- known British Columbians are mem- bers of the national committee They are R.
Vic- toria: W. Vancouver, and H R. May rye was trading around 1 cents under yesterday’s close. Within a few minutea, brokers had bid the grain more than 5 cents higher.
Oats aiv edged forward, although all deliveries of the grain had re- mwlned raetlona to the good despite the rye slump. Rye held at SI 48 ceilings; wheat, com and barley also re- mained at ceilings of S1. SI 21 and SI 20 , respectively, while oat.
APRIL IM8 Keywords for the Day: Sociabil- ity. Du wbsi you can In a self-reliant manner, with- out expecting too much co-opera- Uon.
Pul a check on optimum, look out for inflated values. Accent comparative values; don’t invite rivalry. Jr, author; Abbott P. Graves, artist; Bliss Carman, poet; George W. Your Year Ahead— Carefully evaluate the place of others In your life. This Is a time when old mat- ters or fears could block progress unless wisdom and good counsel prevail. Externalise, go out to meet the world as an equal. Electric Railway Ct»mpany. According to M. C TYueman. In addition to this the company has dealt with 2.
This growth was more pronounced In the urban than rural areas. Vancouver Is- land vice-president of the company, said It was generally Indicative of the company’s experience In all other departments. April II iA», The price of May ry e bounced sharply from the minus to the plus side near he close of trading today on word 1.
July at S2 Cathedral Films poriray. British Co- lumbia district. April 12 Hamid Kicks. Rotary district gnvemoT. Oacar Thulin. Dne prt wnuw. Ltd, tor the purchase oC tba com pan. V rOI. Farm and Qardens Esquimalt and St. Planting U best done In the cool of the evening or on dull days and some shade from hot sun U advis- able with tiny things. Apnl 13 «f. Downing Nottingham Forest, , Binningham City raised Its margin to two points over Charlton, who were held to s draw by Millwall.
I In the Inlemstlonal soccer game St Glasgow, meanwhile. OOO fans and the attention of moat other supporters of the game.
The Scottish victory came as a Surprise, as England beat Scotland. In seven straight games before to- i day. The Scottish team, however. Rotherham United. Southport and Chester all advanced Into the third and semi-final rotind of the third dlvlslmv’s north cup competition Gateshead wau forced into 30 1 minutes overtime by Carlisle United before winning Rotherham beat Doncaster Rovers. Crystal Palace broke a three-way piuntfc ttf for the leadership of the Cuhivatiolu Weedini! Of course.
If It is shrub- bery. If they plant grass, flowers and vegetables flrst and hope to get the ground cleaned up later. Noth- in aver- age times there is a wide range in price and Just as wide in quality. The real test is whether or not the stock will grow quickly and sturdily. If the roots are dry and the upper part of the plant shrivelled, brown- ish and lacking buds, then one can be quite sure he paid too much for the stock no matter what the price.
It will probably die, or at beat take three or four years to get really growing Healthy stock, on the other hand, will come along quickly with hardly a check, especially if handled carefully. Other members of the cast were Olive Dornan. I »i bottle. Sue 4, ehoiec quality. PreMon Nofih End 0 St. Model sketch. Yolk top, pleated bodice with short sleeves.
Tailored collar. It would make It Doaalblt for more players to get Into the gnme. It should also make for faster and more aggreaslve soccer. Vktorla sorrer fans iiipporled the Aoiaiiom op aemi-flnal yes- terday In Mne fashion, more than Aon paying guests passing through Ihe ticket office The gate receipts were considerably augmented by a donation of b.
Wimieri will meet a strengthened Canadian Lcgkm eleven ip the final on Good Friday Play fluctuated with each club holding a wide margin at various sugea Wests looked good In the first hslf but failed to Anlah their plays snd could only msnage a single counter. Toppers look over after the Intermission as the Orcen- shlrts tired, but were unsble to score. Plsy grew progreaslveiy rougher with Referee Olsncy In- clined to be on the lenient side and both clubs got away with numerous fouls.
Playing with tlie wind, sun and pitch In their favur. Laslea and Elka. Victoria Black and Whites staged a courageous fight at Na- naimo yesterday to come from behind In the second half to defeat Nanaimo Cagles. Mainland champioru. Second goal ‘came Just before the Ansi whUtie with Murrsy Speller getting the ball to Morgan, who lifted a high lob in front nf the net and Bell had no ‘ trouble as he drove the ball Into the open aide Ronnie Welciter.
Idaho Jone. Raimondi la show- , mg a lot of hustle at training ses- sluAs and hJlUng the ball at a good clip. Book collector clip art free — by Munish Tokhi. Oreel canterbury feeder 3 90 free by Munish Tokhi. Page of Prev 1 … … Next. Don’t Miss It. Breaking news. Microsoft office publisher free September 30, Como quitar la voz de una cancion adobe audition 3.
Browse by Tag. Popular News. Younger students have an extra two hours time with an assistant teacher in order to prepare for their main lessons, which comes on top of communal music-making in the form of chamber groups and orchestras. Academic work and practice are freely interspersed, taking up around half a day each. The school has an annual leavers concert at Wigmore Hall in London, regularly travels abroad on concert tours, and has a topclass auditorium which provides an excellent space for the school s regular sold-out concerts.
In addition, all years of the school take part in outreach activity, from playing for local children to leading workshops in schools. Timetables for specialists are separate to other students, with practice time integrated into core curriculum provision.
Since boarders in particular are surrounded by non-specialist students, the social fabric of Wells is something on which the school prides itself. As an alumnus puts it, rather than musicians being a separate group, suddenly they re helping you win rugby matches, and living with you it s a very positive and nurturing place to be.
At the heart of Wells offer is the high standard of teaching: its instrumental teachers are all extremely well-known, and specialists all benefit from the resources of a high-class private education. Entrance is auditioned, with a special provision scheme for those students who may still require development in their music-making to become full specialists.
This scheme comes with a smaller fee grant and less instrumental tuition, but with several entry ages for the school, there is the chance for re-audition in Years 10 or For those ineligible or unsuccessful in MDS auditions, Wells runs specialist music grant auditions; these cover the 12, music tuition fee payable on top of the standard fees.
Composition, unusually, is offered as a specialism on par with instrumental study, through the same audition process, with regular lessons and three platform concerts yearly. New Music Week has seen esteemed composers such as Peter Maxwell Davies, Judith Bingham and James MacMillan come to the school for masterclasses, and a dedicated ensemble provides steady instrumentation for composers to work with.
Perhaps Wells most striking facet is its glorious cathedral, and there are separate boys and girls choirs. Gramophone magazine named the Cathedral Choir the greatest with children in the world in Rehearsing early every morning and singing every day, travelling around to record and perform, these young singers also follow the standard curriculum.
Excellent results certainly help: saw As students progress, they are offered more freedom over the balance of vocational and academic study, with sixth formers making their own decisions as to whether to study A levels, BTEC qualifications, or the school s own tailor-made vocational courses.
However, the department has excellent practice and IT facilities, and will provide support to those who wish to pursue conservatoire study. Vocalists in particular benefit from excellent tuition from working professional singers from all areas of the profession session work, musical theatre, opera, and so on. There is vocal and musical training at all ages as part of the vocational curriculum: students aged between 11 and 14 have voice training and harmony classes as part of a generalised theatre arts curriculum, which also includes dance and acting.
This continues in a performance foundation course between ages 14 and 16, before sixth form allows further specialisation. If your child is interested in popular music or music theatre as potential career choices, then Tring Park is ideal. Its musical theatre course for sixth form provides training in all areas of dance, acting and singing with detailed musical training in aural skills, interpretation, and various other areas that help in creating versatile, Tring Park s facilities include a dance studio capable professionals.
Many alumni go on to work in top musical theatre shows such as Wicked, Mamma Mia! Likewise, its specialised commercial music course makes Tring Park one schools which actively avoids a troubled relationship with students who feel an affinity for popular music rather than the classical tradition. Learning takes place in a bespoke school building, designed to provide exceptional practice and performance facilities alongside an outstanding academic education. Hampstead Music School e w Based in North London, Hampstead Music School provides piano, violin, cello, guitar and various instrumental lessons to students from beginners to advanced levels.
Learn with experienced and highly qualified music teachers. National music, games and media college offering FE and HE courses from seven locations across England. This includes tuition from worldrenowned musicians, performances in top British venues and the opportunity to meet like-minded friends from all over the world within our environment of creative excellence. Entry at any stage, inc 6th form. Auditions each term. Advisory auditions arranged monthly.
State school. Admissions policy inc provision for up to 20 students who show musical aptitude, subject to musical tests and audition. Candidates should be grd 5 and will be required to perform, read at sight, respond to aural tests and answer questions relating to their music-making. Scholars are expected to play in choir and orch and to transfer to St Paul s at Awards are reviewed on entry to St Paul s.
Music activities: 2 orchs; 3 choirs; various ensembles. No of pupils: Age range: Termly fees: 6, School type: Boys. Based in Bushey we provide a rounded education with music at its heart. We offer outstanding young musicians the opportunity to make music every day with around other talented players and singers, enabling them to make the most of their abilities. Our pupils regularly win scholarships to the best music colleges in the UK and abroad, and enjoy frequent success in competitions locally, nationally and internationally.
Purpose built music block with excellent facilities and equipment; computer suite with 21 Apple Macs, practice rooms, rehearsal hall and recording studio; also Specialist School Music Projects Animateur who devises, co-ordinates and runs activities within and between the school and other local schools. Awards: All means-tested. Internal music awards also available. Age under 10; voice trials Jan. Academic, all round, sports and specialist maths awards are all available.
Age range: Termly Fees: Annual: 24, 30, boarding ; 14, 18, day. Integrated academic curriculum. Entry by audition only, based on music potential. Auditions held throughout the year, entry age normally Awards: Means-tested funding available for UK pupils; some bursaries available for overseas students. Music activities: Concerts and public performance; work with visiting professional musicians.
Music activities: 3 choirs, swing band, wind band, concert orch gr 4 5 and symphony orch gr 6 8. The orchs play a varied and wide repertoire of music from symphonies through to arrangements from musicals. Henrietta Barnett School Central Sq, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, NW11 7BN t f e w Music activities: Music and media technology suite, rehearsal rooms, comps and writers in residence, arts award programme, music partnership with Toynbee Hall and music links with other local schools.
Music activities: Choirs, orchs, folk bands, jazz orch, chambr choir, str ens. Co-ed comprehensive school. Music activities: Individual and group tuition for students from the school and partner primaries. Variety of musical styles taught and encouraged. No of pupils: Termly Fees: None. Co-ed comprehensive, co-ed, LEA school.
Full range of NC subjects delivered, with strong emphasis on music. Tuition offered on a wide range of instruments, delivered in conjunction with the Cornwall Music Service.
Awards: Scholarship programme. Music activities: Varied programme of musical events at local and national level, and perfs at daily assemblies; highlights have incd perf of a self-composed opera at ROH.
Over students choose to undertake peripatetic music lessons which are primarily, financially supported by the school, a small contribution from parents is asked for. Music Facilities: 3 classrooms; 6 practice rooms; state-of-the-art recording studio with a performance area.
The Junior House provides a specialist music educ with astrong emphasis on Catholic liturgical music for boys betweeen the ages of 7 and In addition to an intensive music educ programme, music scholars receive free tuition in one inst.
The scholarships are awarded for the duration of a boy s educ at the London Oratory School. Awards: Inst scholarships and bursaries available. Music activities: Schola, choral society, chmbr choir, three orchs, concert band. No of pupils: 80 jr house ; 11 16 ; 6th form. No of pupils: 50 in music school; learning insts in main school. Hostel facilities available. Age range: Termly Fees: None. Music activities: Concert band, gospel choir, Madrigalis choir , jazz band, pop and rock groups and NSG academy.
Facillities inc an outside performance space and new rehearsal rooms. BTEC first certificate offered at Yr 9 as fast track 1 yr course to students.
Orch, str orch, swing band, choir, wind grp and other smaller ens. Students have formed their own groups and regularly perform to other pupils; musicals every 2 yrs, Christmas and summer concerts and other regular performances.
All girls 11 16, mixed sixth form. Language and music specialisms. Awards: 1 scholarship and significant subsidies for inst tuition. Music activities: School has released 5 albums and 2 singles inc a release on itunes ; choirs have performed at the London Palladium, Wembley Stadium and at rugby and football internationals, as well as featuring on national radio and TV.
Activities inc 3 choirs, orch, concert band and many chmbr ens. Choirs have sung evensong at several cathedrals inc Westminster Abbey and Canterbury. No of pupils: , studying insts. Selective state school, selecting at Awards: 20 places available based on musical ability. Year 7 music scholarships and bursaries of one-off payments up to Some free inst tuition and subsidised theory tuition, equipment and additional support. Music activities: 17 ens inc 3 choirs, 2 wind bands, 3 str orchs, big band, symph orch, 2 Indian music ens.
UK or foreign tours every other yr. No of pupils: c Termly Fees: None. Extra-curricular includes jazz, string and brass groups, choir, orchestra and musical theatre.
Girls selective school with Specialist Music Status. School operates as centre for AL music tuition within the Canterbury schools consortium. Variety of styles and genres taught inc rock, folk, klezmer, jazz, African and contemporary music, as well as standard choral and orch.
The school prepares for careers in the performing arts and music. Other courses at post- 16 inc musical theatre, theatre, dance, tech theatre production, visual arts and broadcast and digital communications. Age range: Termly Fees: Nil. Awards: Music School Trust for students in need.
Music activities: Full range of insts, orch, band, choral, chmbr, trad, jazz and contemporary music and comp inc electronic. No of pupils: Age range: Termly Fees: Free; entry by audition. Music activities: Large choir around members , several orchs, jr singers Y7 and 8 only , inst lessons.
Comp in residence; also links with the Sing Up programme. Awards: 6th form music scholarships up to Music activities: Strong choral tradition: main choir tours abroad each year; Chorisma and Year 7 choir for younger students; N. Chant, sr chmbr choir.
Stage production and several concerts presented each yr. Musical links with local primary schools and a school for autistic students. Boys State Grammar School with specialist performing arts status. Awards: Bursaries for instrumental lessons available on application. Music activities: Tiffin Boys Choir; many choral groups inc oratorio chorus and close harmony. Thames Youth Orchestra based at Tiffin; large structure of inst ens, inc 2 orchs, many jr and intermediate str, ww and br groups, concert band and the Tiffin Swing Band.
No of pupils: Age range: Termly Fees: None; interview required for 6th form entry. Co-ed voluntary C of E high school.
Music activities: 1st and 2nd orchs, str orch, concert band, str quartets, school Specialist Choir Schools Anglican Choir Schools choir, chmbr choir, jazz band, gospel choir, band academy. No of pupils: ; 19 choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: Non fee-paying specialist Academy. Also choristerships for Worcester College. Age 7, voice trials as advertised and on request Music activities: Choir concerts, recordings, tours; 2 choirs, orch, wind band, musical drama.
Age range: 3 13 nursery 3 4, pre-prep 4 7, prep 8 Usual age under 9 at voice trial by arrangement. Music scholarships also available for non-choristers.
Music activities: School choir, jr choir, orch, str ens, big band, ww, br, guis, rcdr group. No of pupils: 18 boy choristers; 18 girl choristers; non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: day ; boarding. Awards: Choral scholarship for entry at 11, tenable at the Chapel and Hampton School.
Age 8 10, voice trials by arrangement. Music activities: 2 orchs, chmbr choir, choral soc, chmbr music, 2 concert bands, regular productions of musicals. No of pupils: 18 choristers; non-choristers. Age range: 2 11 jr , sr. Day boys and girls. Dyslexia centre, 33 peripatetic music teachers.
Age 6 7 at voice trials Jan. King s College Chapel. No of pupils: 27 boy boarders; day boys and girls. Age range: Termly Fees: pre-prep , day , boarding , choristers. Age 8 10 at entry. Music scholarships at 11, and No of pupils: 22 choristers; nonchoristers. Also pre-prep school for ages 3 8. Awards: A number of choral scholarships for Rochester Cathedral choir for prep-school children. Other awards available. Music activities: Choirs, orchs, bands and wind groups perform in Rochester Cathedral and variety of concerts.
Prep school on same site shares music facilities. Rochester Cathedral choristers are drawn from the school. No of pupils: day; 52 boarding; studying inst. Termly Fees: day , boarding. School type: Co-ed. Age 7 9, voice trials Dec.
Music activities: Concerts, broadcasts and choir tours. No of pupils: day. Age range: Termly Fees: day. Awards: 18 choral scholarships. Regular concerts, Music productions, Music competitions. Occasional Cathedral choir tours abroad.
No of pupils: 21 choristers; non-choristers. Day and boarding. Age 7 9 at Feb voice trial, or at other times when candidates are ready.
Other music scholarships available inc girls choir. Music activities: School orch, wind band, br ens, girls choir. Occasional cathedral choir tours abroad. No of pupils: 18 choristers; 4 probationers; nonchoristers. Age range: Termly Fees: day , boarding. Assemblies, major termly concerts in Cathedral.
Term Fees: Prep: day , weekly board , termly board. Senior: day , weekly board , termly board. MCS is a friendly, inclusive and highly distinctive school in the heart of Oxford. Music scholarships; exhibitions and tuition awards for entry into Year 9 and into Sixth Form.
Music activities: 3 orchs, string orch, choral soc, madrigal choir, jr choir, sixth form choir, samba band, 2 jazz bands, close harmony groups, perc ens, br and ww ens, numerous chambr ens. No of pupils: 16 choristers; non-choristers. Age range: Boys: Girls: Termly Fees: 5, Awards: Chorister places at greatly reduced fees. Age 6 at Sep voice trial. Music activities: Joint concerts with local groups, 2 choirs in school, orch groups, Sat music school, jr str and rcdr groups; individual tuition in most orch insts.
No of pupils: 22 choristers; non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: day , choristers. Day and weekly boarding. Weekly boarding available for children aged After school care and occasional boarding. Age 7 9; voice trials Jan. Music activities: Rcdrs, chmbr groups, orch, music productions, school choir, ens. Voice trials: Jan boys , Feb girls.
Music activities: Orch, 4 school choirs, many inst ens. No of pupils: 44 choristers and probationers; non-choristers; day; 30 boarding. Awards: Up to 23 choral scholarship places worth pa. Age 6 9 at voice trials in Nov and Mar.
No of pupils: 23 choristers; nonchoristers; day; 26 boarding. Age 7 11, voice trials by appointment. Age 8 14, voice trials by appointment. Music activities: Sr and prep school orch, jazz ens, str ens, ww ens, sr school chmbr choir, sr girls choir, close harmony group; also termly concerts and music, art and drama festival.
Age under 10 at voice trial. Further bursaries up to full fees available. Music activities: 5 choirs, 30 chmbr ens, concerts a yr.
Boys and girls, 9 13, entry by audition each term. Advisory auditions by arrangement at any time. Music activities: St Mary s choir has many outside engagements, broadcasts, recordings and tours. No of pupils: 22 choristers. Awards: 40 places for boarding choristers. Voice trials held throughout year for boys aged 6 8. Music activities: orchs, ens and chmbr groups; day pupils choirs. All choristers learn 2 insts. No of pupils: 36 boarding choristers; day boys and girls; 62 pre-prep boys and girls.
Choral scholarships for girls worth up to pa, age 7 11 at voice trial. Voice trials for boys and girls held each time. Music activities: Orchs, chmbr orch, ens, choirs and chmbr choir. Professional concerts given and competitions entered. No of pupils: 18 boy choristers, 17 girl choristers, non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: nursery , yrs 1 2 , yrs 3 4 , yrs 5 6 , yrs 7 Age 7 9 at May, Nov voice trial and by appointment.
Music activities: Orch, wind ens, string ens, separate school choir, chapel choir. Age range: Termly Fees: day , choristers , boarding.
No of pupils: 43 choristers; non-choristers. King s is a successful co-educational independent day school for girls and boys aged 3 18 years. Awards:music, sport, art and performing arts. Music activities: Orch, jr orch, swing band, str group, intermediate str group, choral soc, school choir, madrigal group, str quartet and many other ens. Termly Fees: 2, 5, Voice trials and inst auditions Mar Jun, age Music activities: 3 choirs, 2 orchs, 2 concert bands, jazz band, other ens.
No of pupils: 12 full choristers, 4 probationers, 1 jr; non-choristers. Annual chorister auditions for boys and girls aged under 9. Music activities: Orch, choir, chmbr ens, wind band, str orch. No of pupils: 47 choristers; nonchoristers.
Music activities: 2 professional choirs, 3 chool choirs; full range of orchs, inst groups and tuition. Age 7 9 at voice trials held whenever a vacancy occurs in the choir. Music activities: 3 orchs, 4 choirs, 18 other ens, 20 visiting inst staff.
No of pupils: 18 boarding choristers; day, 16 boarding non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: choristers ; day ; weekly boarding ; full boarding. Age between 8 and 10, voice trials Jan. Music activities: Tuition in all orch insts, kb, gui and voice; chmbr music, orch coaching and aural training. No of pupils: 18 boy choristers; 20 girl choristers; non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: Annual Fees: 11, 14, day , 19, 23, boarding.
Only school in country educating only boy choristers. Awards: 34 places, all for boarding boy choristers. Entry by voice trial held at various times during the year. Generous scholarships from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster.
Music activities: Westminster Abbey choir and school orch; numerous inst ens. Age range: Termly Fees: full boarding. Pupils can benefit from grants awarded annually to Music Award Holders, with assessments held in First and Third Form.
The title and associated grant often continue over multiple years, with an annual review. Music Award Holders are expected to take a leading role in Music and act as ambassadors for Cokethorpe; they can also expect extra support from the Music Department as they move up through the Senior School.
Music activities: Choral and inst training, underpinned by RC traditions. Schola undertakes concert and recording work, sings mass at Brompton Oratory on sat during term time and on major feast days throughout the yr; other school activities incl choral society, chmbr choir, three orchs and concert band. No of pupils: 80 jr house; yrs; 6th form. Informal auditions throughout the year, usually while a child is in Y2 3 at primary school. Music activities: Cathedral jr choir for boys; choirs, orch, Big Bash!
Musical dramatic productions and inst ens. Several concerts and services pa. Music activities: Cathedral choirs men and boys, jr girls choir, sr girls choir, chmbr choir consisting of sr boys and girls ; concert orch; training orch, br and wind ens; rcdr consort; regular largescale, dramatic productions; outside engagements; broadcasts; recordings; tours.
Preparation for Oxbridge choral awards. Awards: Music Scholarships Choral or Instrumental are available to children going into Years 6, 7 or 8. Two instruments are required for instrumental scholarships. Music activities: Boy trebles provide the top line in the Ampleforth Abbey Schola Cantorum; the Schola SanctiMartini girls years 5 8 are trained separately and sing at a weekly service in the Abbey church. Opportunity to tour. Orch and various inst ens. Age on entry normally 8; voice trials Dec or Mar or by arrangement for entry usually in Sep.
Music activities: Chmbr music, orchs and non-chorister choir. No of pupils: 27 choristers; day. That s before you ve considered the quality of music education: how much importance is placed on music in each school, and what can your child expect? This article shines the spotlight on three of the best independent school music departments in the country Central Reading isn t known for leafy open spaces, yet just a stone s throw from the bustling shopping centre and busy office blocks lies 60 acres of beautiful parkland.
Crisscrossing pathways connect a finely maintained campus, which contains a soon-to-be refurbished concert hall, and a music department brimming with Yamaha pianos. This is Leighton Park School, a Quaker institution with musical alumni that include folk-pop singer-songwriter Laura Marling and the esteemed composer Richard Rodney Bennett.
Leighton Park has a particular approach to student development that emphasises accessibility and the nurturing of individual talents particularly musical. The open environment means that lots of children are involved in the music activities programme, explains director of music Rosemary Scales.
We are quite a small school of students. When we do a Christmas or ensembles concert we have over children involved, says the delightfully named Scales. There s also the The King s School in Canterbury is reportedly the oldest school in the world Leighton Park School is set in 60 acres of beautiful parkland opportunity for students to be involved in production and stage management.
We have around 28 peripatetic staff, and there are music lessons going on each week. The redevelopment will add a massive foyer where we ll hold lunchtime concerts, Scales says. There will be a Live Lounge, a media room and seven more practice rooms. Leighton Park School has a long history, dating back to However, this considerable heritage and that of many other educational institutions pales in comparison to The King s School in Canterbury, which was founded in , reportedly making it the oldest school in the world.
The highly prestigious institution offers a wealth of musical opportunities for its student body, such as King s Week, a festival that has just marked its 66th instalment, with events including 26 performances. We open with our concert orchestra who play popular light classics as part of Thursday Night is Music Night, which is modelled on the BBC Concert Orchestra s Friday Night is Music Night, explains William Bersey, who has been director of music since We have a jazz night in the marquee and a gala symphony showcase where a couple of students get to play concerto movements.
One of our most iconic events the Serenade in the Cloisters, where we hold an evening of choral music in Canterbury Cathedral it starts at 9pm and ends in moonlight; it s very atmospheric. We sing all our Sunday services in the cathedral, says Bersey.
When our school hall is in use for exams we have all our assemblies in the nave of the cathedral. I do my hymn practice from the pulpit where the archbishop gives his sermons! As well as the cathedral performances, King s School has its own seat concert hall and three recital rooms. Notable alumni are many: they range from Harry Christophers, founder of professional chamber choir The Sixteen, to composer Sacha Skarbek, who has written songs for Adele.
We offer teaching for every orchestral instrument and also have a thriving jazz and rock and pop team, adds Bersey there are more than individual music lessons each week. We ll champion any musician, no matter what discipline.
Several of the elite independent schools with strong music offerings have historic links with chapel choirs. Choral music and chapel life is also very important at Cheltenham College. The chapel choir has 80 students in it, who sing in the Sunday services, says David McKee, head of music.
One of the groups, Schola Cantorum, also sings evensong. From September, we ll have both a boys treble choir and a girls treble choir who will be singing evensong during the week. The college also boasts a cathedral-style organ that is currently undergoing a full restoration and will be reinstalled in October. Last year our major groups performed in Cadogan Hall.
The jazz band has performed in the Cheltenham Music Festival, and the choirs have performed in the Cheltenham Literature Festival. Music technology is a growing area of interest for many pupils: Cheltenham College hopes to offer AS music technology soon, and has a music tech club, as well as a thriving new music scene Birmingham Contemporary Music Group will be providing composition workshops next year. It has also recently become an all-steinway school: We have five Steinway grand pianos, two of which are concert grands.
We also have 18 Steinway uprights, says McKee. There are around 80 to piano lessons a week. We also bought all 11 of the boarding houses new Yamaha Clavinovas to help with the music tech and also for the students to practice with headphones if that s what they want to do. There has been a surge of interest in music since the pianos arrived. Since we ve got the new pianos the number of practice hours has trebled! There are a handful of other independent schools with the same all-steinway status, such as Pangbourne College, Trinity School and Stowe.
On the other side of the fence, as it were, is Leighton Park School, which has a partnership withyamaha. We have a large number of Yamaha pianos and Yamaha supports the school by providing artists for masterclasses, unusual percussion instruments or setting up links with conservatoires, explains Scales.
Unsurprisingly, access to these independent schools can come with an eye-watering price tag, but it s worth noting that many of these schools offer a range of scholarships and awards and the majority are committed to supporting talent where possible. Some of the most expensive colleges are also the most generous. We do have some students here who are per cent fully funded, says Bersey.
For plus we award 12 scholarships, and three choral awards. At plus it s variable, anything from two scholars to eight. Some music scholars are also eligible for a bursary. The awards are a really important part of the fabric of the school. Cheltenham College is similar, with scholarships available for both lower and upper school pupils. Other schools, such as Leighton Park, offer a ten per cent reduction in fees.
There is a huge range in music provision on offer, from internationally renowned sacred choral music to rock and pop groups.
In addition, the culture of each individual institution is slightly different, spanning the anyone can have a go approach to a high level of commitment. Some independent schools require their music scholars to be full-time boarders, in order for them to commit to the evening rehearsals as well as academic work, of course.
As a family, it s worth establishing whether you are looking to foster a general love of music, to begin learning an instrument and join ensembles, or if we are talking about a rising star here how best to develop their talent while not neglecting other skills.