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You can create your own themes for use in any presentation. This includes customizing colors, fonts, and effects. Once you’ve created a theme, you can save it as a custom design theme and use it in any presentation project you create. The Action buttons are located on the bottom right corner of your screen.

You can use these to advance slides, go back and more:. Tap an action button to perform that command. You could use the digital ink feature to make notes on slides.

This is a great way to add notes about a slide after the fact, but it’s also useful for drawing shapes and circles in presentations. One of the most powerful features of PowerPoint is its ability to link directly from a slide to another slide or document.

This allows you to quickly pull up relevant information within your presentation or on a website, and it’s especially useful when you’re presenting with someone who doesn’t have Microsoft Office installed on their computer. With over built-in templates and the ability to create my own, this office suite has all the tools I need to let my work speak for itself. WPS Office offers the best value for money. This is one of those no-brainer decisions you’ll only regret if you procrastinate to discover it’s not true.

Top Searches. Powerpoint download October 20, Views 0. Create your own themes for use in any presentation You can create your own themes for use in any presentation. Use the Action buttons to quickly advance slides, go back and more.

You can use these to advance slides, go back and more: Tap an action button to perform that command. Digital ink You could use the digital ink feature to make notes on slides. You can: Add drawings with your mouse or stylus pen Highlight text with digital ink and vice versa Use digital ink as a fill color Use Hyperlinks One of the most powerful features of PowerPoint is its ability to link directly from a slide to another slide or document.

Click Insert Link in the bottom left corner of your screen. Conclusion Writing in Word and making an impact, really? More Microsoft Office PowerPoint Microsoft Office PowerPoint is a presentation program developed for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Being widely used by business people, educators, and trainers, it is among the most prevalent forms of persuasion technology. Descriptions containing powerpoint More Microsoft Office Microsoft Office is a powerful tool that can provide you with the best way of delivering your work.

More Compatibility Pack for the Office system Microsoft has added new file formats to Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to reduce file size, improve security and reliability, and enhance integration with external sources. More Microsoft Office Live Add-in 2. The Office Live Add-in will install new menu options in Microsoft Office and a toolbar in … more info More Microsoft Office Professional The Microsoft Office system has evolved from a suite of personal productivity products to a more comprehensive and integrated system.

More Microsoft Works 9. Microsoft Works gives you the tools you need to transform your home computer into a productivity center. It’s easy to use and essential for getting the most out of your computing experience. More WebEx WebEx, a web-based conferencing software used to share information and host meetings over the internet.

It can be used to collaborate via chat, microphone, or webcam. More Microsoft Office Home and Student Microsoft Office Home and Student is a suite of essential software applications that enables homes and students to accomplish tasks quicker and easier. More WPS Office


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