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Download Visual Studio 2019 Web Installer / ISO (Community / Professional / Enterprise) – Windows 10 1703 download iso italy vscode

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Thanks and keep up the great work! If one is detected, you will be prompted to download it, as shown below:. In other words, if you are running Windows 10 build and you run Optimizer with older templates , you will be notified that the template for your current build is available for download.

With this change, it will be easier for us to release updated templates to the marketplace without waiting for the next binary build of Optimizer. In this release, we are adding a History node where you can see all the previous runs of Citrix Optimizer. You not only can see the history, but you can also open generated report files HTML and review log files.

A more important change however is the added support for rollback in the user interface. While rollback has been supported since Citrix Optimizer v1, it was only available through the command line interface PowerShell. You can read more about rollback functionality in this blog post. We have added a new argument to CitrixOptimizer. Even better, this feature supports AutoSelect mode. Settings in this group restore affected services back to the default state.

We also have included information about functionality that was affected by these optimizations. We have also expanded templates with new optimization, with a primary focus on the last three builds of Windows Oh boy, there is a lot of love for PowerShell users in this release.

You can modify your code in the template builder and look the at saved XML. You will notice that PowerShell code is now stored using special data block.

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