Windows 10 wallpaper location registry free download
The image you are using as the desktop background can be the one that ships by default with Windows 10, or some image from your personal collection. At Winaero, we have a huge set of themes with very beautiful wallpapers which you can download for free.
Your background can also be set by any other app like your web browser or Bing Desktop which downloads images from the Internet. Once you notice an image you like on your Desktop, you might want to find its location on the disk drive so you can save it for further use. VBS which can extract the file path of your current desktop background image from the Registry and show it to you.
It is very useful, as the only thing you need is to do is double click the script. Windows 10 keeps the path to the source image as a binary value in the Registry. When you set an image as your desktop background, it will be converted to match your screen and position preferences like fill, zoom, fit etc. The path to the source image is written in a binary value named TranscodedImageCache at the following Registry key:.
See the following screenshot:. To extract the path of the image from the TranscodedImageCache value, you need to run this script:. You can paste this text into Notepad and then save it as a VBS file. Alternatively, you can download the file from here:. Download VBS Script to display your current desktop background location. Extract it to any folder you want and double click it.
Immediately the folder containing the wallpaper image will be opened and that image will be selected in File Explorer. This is how it looks in my case:. Winaero greatly relies on your support. You can help the site keep bringing you interesting and useful content and software by using these options:.
I would like to use a slightly different form of your program. This allows me to get a description of the current wallpaper by clicking on a shortcut for your program that is on the desktop.
The file name for each of my wallpaper images is the description for that wallpaper. Could you please help me with the code I would need to do this? JPG on the selected PC?
I scoured the internet far and wide for a solution that shows me my current desktop wallpaper. Not one solution worked, regedit or otherwise. Until I found your script, that is -turns out my wallpaper was in a Firefox folder whyever that is.
Thanks so much! Very handy when using slideshow. Now if I can get it to send it to Google Images to find…. I LOVE the wallpaper finder — I have my wallpaper set in Windows 10 so that it makes a random selection from all the photos on my desktop PC and displays a different image on each of my two monitors for one minute — timing is not synchronized. Problem is, your wonderful magic trick only identifies the wallpaper image on the right hand monitor.
Can it be adapted to select either monitor image or otherwise adapted so that either image can be identified? Great work, thank you again.
I have the same issue as Diana Clark — is there a way to identify the photos on both screens, or choose the screen on which I want the photo identified? Your email address will not be published. Support us Winaero greatly relies on your support. Share this post. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Using Telegram? Subscribe to the blog channel!
If you have an unactivated version of Windows 11, there are multiple workarounds to set windows 10 wallpaper location registry free download image you want as the desktop background. While this is an easy task, activating your copy is always recommended to unlock all the features and stay supported.
This guide will teach you how to change the desktop wallpaper when autodesk autocad 2016 installation guide free settings are grayed out on Windows These instructions should also work on Windows Optional Select multiple images and select the Set as desktop wallpaper option to use a slideshow.
Right-click the image, select the Set asand choose the Background option. Once you complete the steps, the desktop background should locahion the new wallpaper. Click on Fileselect the Set as desktop background submenu, and choose the fit option fill, tile, or windows 10 wallpaper location registry free download. After you windows 10 wallpaper location registry free download the steps, the image will appear on locxtion desktop.
To change the desktop background image on Windows 11 Pro without activation through Group Policy, use these steps:. Search for gpedit and click the top result to open the Group Policy Editor app. Select the Enabled option. Optional Use the Windows Style setting to choose the fit option fill, tile, or center. To change the Windows 11 desktop background through Registry without activation, use these steps:. Search for regedit and click the top result to open the Registry.
Right-click the Policies key, select the New submenu and choose the Key option. Right-click the newly created key, select the New submenu, and choose the String Value option. Name the key Wallpaper and press Enter. Click the OK button. After you complete the steps, you may need to restart the computer to apply the custom desktop wallpaper on a Windows 11 device without activation.
Продолжить you want to remove the configuration, you can use the instructions, but on step No.
We hate spam as much as you! Unsubscribe windiws time Powered by follow. Tweet Share Submit. Change wallpaper without activation using File Explorer on Windows 11 Change wallpaper without activation using Photos on Windows 11 Ffee wallpaper without activation using Paint on Windows 11 Change wallpaper without activation using Group Policy on Windows 11 Change wallpaper without activation using Registry on Windows 11 Change wallpaper without activation using File Explorer on Windows 11 To change the wallpaper on Windows 11 windows 10 wallpaper location registry free download activation, use these steps: Open File Explorer on Windows Open the folder with the image you want to set.
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If not, be sure to check it out, or just get the wallpaper. To the best of my knowledge, Windows 10 does not natively support it. You can easily solve it!
May 11, · Created on November 10, On Google, all I could find was either the location of all the default backgrounds or the registry key to the location of it, which just points to where it was on the desktop when I set the background, which I’ve already deleted and searching for that image’s name in the C:Windows folder gets nothing. How to Find the Current Wallpaper File Name and Path in. Feb 05, · 19 thoughts on “ Find your current wallpaper image path in Windows 10 ” Mike Benton April 30, at pm. I would like to use a slightly different form of your program. I don’t need to know the location of the wallpaper, so all I need to do is to delete the last line of the program and then at this point just display the file name of the current wallpaper without the