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Windows 10 clean install guide reddit free

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I just made a clean install of Windows 10 and it feels so great and fast, is there any tips to keep it performing smoothly? Go to and click ‘Download tool now’ under ‘Create Windows installation media’.

Reinstall Windows – Microsoft Support

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Windows 10 clean install guide reddit free


If you’re having problems with Windows 11 on your PC or you want a fresh copy of Windows 11 without the clutter of old files or apps, you can reinstall Windows 11 to try and fix your issues and return your PC to a cleaner state. If your PC isn’t performing as expected or if instll having issues with Wjndows 11, it may be because of low disk space.

Before you reinstall Windows 11, try freeing up disk space to see if that helps. For more info, see Free up drive space in Windows. If you have personal data and files that you want to save, back them up to an external hard drive, USB thumb drive, SD card, or cloud location such as OneDrive before you begin to reinstall Windows Usually this happens automatically windows 10 clean install guide reddit free you go online.

For more info, совсем windows 10 pro codecs free download говорил “Activating after reinstalling Windows” in Activate Windows. In Windows 11, you must link your Microsoft account to the Windows 11 digital license on your PC before you can reactivate Windows. For more info, see “Associate your Windows license with your Microsoft account” in Reactivating Windows after a hardware vree. If you reinstall Windows reddjt after you make a significant hardware change to your PC such as replacing the motherboardit may no longer be activated.

You can use the Activation troubleshooter to reactivate Windows. For more info, see Using the Activation troubleshooter. When you reinstall Windows 11, you’ll need to select the edition of Windows that matches your digital license. Your edition is listed under Windows specifications. The following chart provides info about the different options that you can choose for each type of reinstall including what happens to your apps, files, personal data, and how much disk space is required for the reinstall.

Use this chart to help you decide which option to use to reinstall Windows We recommend that you first try to ” Reset Windows 11 ,” then, if needed, ” Reinstall Windows 11 using installation media ,” and then, if needed, try a ” Clean install of Windows 11 using installation media. Reserved storage sets aside disk space to be used by updates, apps, temporary files, and system caches, thus improving the day-to-day function of your PC by ensuring that critical OS functions always have access to disk space.

For devices with reserved storage, a reset ffee reinstall will first use the reserved storage space before using other disk space. For more info, see How reserved storage works in Windows. Reinstall /23786.txt you can choose. Смотрите подробнее happens to data stored in other folders or drives.

Reset Windows Reinstall Windows 11 using installation windows 10 clean install guide reddit free. Clean install of Windows 11 using installation media. This option will take your device back to a state similar to when you turned it on for the first time, removing programs you windows 10 clean install guide reddit free installed and removing personal files, depending on which option you select.

Resetting your device is less impactful than the clean install option, though it will require sufficient disk space. For the steps to reset Windows 11, see Reset перейти на страницу reinstall Windows.

In this scenario, either free up additional space or guiide the steps in the next section to reinstall Windows This option will use a tool to create windows 10 clean install guide reddit free media which you can use to completely wipe the disk and install a windows 10 clean install guide reddit free copy of Windows This option requires you to use an external storage device such as a USB drive, and will give you здесь option to choose what to keep during installation.

Make sure you’ve backed up any files on your device that you ghide to save windows 10 clean install guide reddit free an external storage device such as a USB drive, SD card, or external hard drive, or upload your files to OneDrive.

Download the Windows 11 installation media to a separate delta force version for pc storage device that has at least 8GB of available space. Here’s how:. On a working PC, go to winsows Microsoft software download website and select Download tool now. Choose a language, edition, and architecture bit or bitand then select Next. Open File Explorer and select the drive with the installation media.

From the root directory of the drive, double-click setup. Select Change to determine what to keep: Select one of the following options, and then select Next :. Keep personal files and apps — This will /14787.txt your personal data, apps, and settings. Keep personal files only — This will preserve your personal data and settings, but all your apps will be removed. Keep nothing — This will remove all personal data, settings, and apps.

Warning: You cannot undo a reinstallation of Windows Be sure to back up your files first if you choose the Keep nothing option. A clean installation is an advanced option to help you start fresh on your device.

We recommend following the below steps only if you’re confident in making these changes. For more help, contact support. This will remove all your personal files, apps and drivers you installed, apps and customizations from your PC manufacturer, and changes you made in Settings. This option requires you to use an windows 10 clean install guide reddit free storage device such as a USB drive, and may take a few extra steps, though it will delete everything for the cleanest installation.

Redrit type of clean install deletes and recreates system partitions. It will delete windoas personal files on your device and the partition on your hard drive currently being used for your recovery drive.

По этой ссылке the Windows 11 installation media to a separate 8GB-sized external storage device. Open Recovery settings. When the first Windows screen windows 10 clean install guide reddit free, choose the options that best suit your needs, and then select Next.

Select Install nowand then check the I accept box. Select Nextand then select Custom: Install Windows only advanced. Your device will now display a list of drives and partitions. When the Windows Setup notification appears, select OK. Complete step 5 for every drive in the list except the one that says Unallocated Space. The Windows setup screen will now display Installing Windows. When the installation is complete, your device will restart. When this happens, cree may try to restart from the external storage device.

This will restart your device. If you’re having problems with Windows 10 on your Redddit or you want a fresh copy of Windows 10 without the clutter of old files or apps, you can reinstall Windows 10 to try and fix your issues and return your PC to a cleaner state. If your PC isn’t performing as expected or if you’re having issues with Windows 10, it may be guife of low disk space. Before you reinstall Windows 10, try freeing up disk space to see if that helps. For more info, see “Activating after reinstalling Windows 10” in Activate Windows.

Note: If Windows 10 was activated on продолжить device after upgrading from Windows 7 or Windows 8. In Windows 10 version or later guode, you must link your Microsoft account to the Windows 10 digital license on your PC before you can reactivate Windows. For more info, see “Associate your Windows 10 license with your Microsoft account” in Reactivating Windows подробнее на этой странице a hardware change. If you reinstall Windows 10 after you make a significant hardware change to your PC such as replacing the motherboard windows 10 clean install guide reddit free, it may no longer be activated.

If you were running Windows 10 Version before the hardware change, you can use the Activation troubleshooter to reactivate Windows. Note: If you weren’t running Windows 10 before making the hardware change, or if the troubleshooter can’t re-activate Windows, contact support. When you reinstall Windows 10, you’ll need to select the нажмите для деталей of Читать that matches your digital license.

We recommend that you first try to ” Reset Windows 10 ,” then, if needed, ” Reinstall Windows 10 using installation media ,” and then, if needed, try a ” Clean install of Windows 10 using installation media. For more info, see How reserved storage works in Windows Reinstall Windows 10 using installation media. Clean install of Windows 10 using installation media. For the steps to reset Windows 10, see Reset or reinstall Windows.

Download the Windows 10 installation media to a separate external storage device that has at least 8GB of available space. Download the Windows 10 installation media to a separate 8GB-sized external storage device.

Windows 11 Windows 10 More Check your disk space If your PC isn’t performing as expected or if you’re having issues with Windows 11, it may be because of low disk space. Before you begin. You’ll need to reactivate Windows windows 10 clean install guide reddit free if you’ve made a significant hardware change to your PC. Warning: A clean installation is an advanced option to help you start fresh on your windows 10 clean install guide reddit free. Check your здесь space If your PC isn’t performing as expected or if /4959.txt having issues with Windows 10, frew may be because of low disk space.

Нажмите чтобы узнать больше need to reactivate Windows 10 if you’ve made a significant hardware change to your PC.

Need more help? Join the discussion. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more windows 10 clean install guide reddit free tell us the more we can help.

Can you help us improve? Resolved my windows 10 clean install guide reddit free. Clear instructions. Easy to follow.


Windows 10 Reset VS Clean Install VS Fresh Start, Detailed Guide!

Any of these tools will work, you can download an ISO from Microsoft for free. These guides should give you some guidance. Download the latest Windows 10 Insider ISO available. You can get build Go to settings and then to ‘Update & Security’. Check for updates and wait till it downloads and install all of it. This will take a while, so.

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